Creating Your Unique Life Story
Creating Your Unique Life Story
How would you feel if you knew that you are totally in control of your life story? Well, guess what! You are absolutely the determining factor to the lifestyle you desire and deserve.
From birth, you have been molded into the life that was purposely designed for you. So, what happened? Life happened. Social influences happened. Decisions happened. The good news is that it is never too late to get back on track with creating your unique life story.
Hop on the bandwagon! Take the necessary steps to create the life that brings you the most happiness. Now is the time.
Write out a plan to reach the life you want & desire. Planning is the key to mastering any goal you set. Make sure you are specific about what you want. Don’t hold back on how you want your life to be. An important tip to avoid disappointment is to be VERY realistic about your goals. No fantasy land, okay.
Don’t be afraid to go for what you want without having every detail in place. Plans & actions will never have perfect timing. If you wait for perfection (which by the way does not exist), you will miss your calling. There is no time better than the present time.
When you have accomplished some parts of your goals, give yourself a HIGH FIVE.
Keep going step by step until the mission is complete. Even more important is the positive support of others to reinforce your confidence of creating the life story or your dreams. Go, Go, Go!
Start your journey to the lifestyle you deserve by attending the Final Master Your Journey Book Tour event!
The Master Your Journey Triple Threat Luncheon on July 22, 2017 will give you the motivation, inspiration, guidance & support you need to reach your NEXT LEVEL SUCCESS.
Register at
before July 19th to reserve your seat.
Space is LIMITED!
Benefits to attending The Master Your Journey Triple Threat Luncheon:
Motivational Speakers with Tips that will
#1> Get you the confidence to SHOW UP to be POWERFUL
#2> Make sure you DON’T GIVE UP during hard times
#3> SHUT YOUR HATERS UPwhen they doubt your strength and ability to be successful
ONLY $20 Registration Fee to cover the enjoyment of a 3 course lunch at Grotto.
We want to see you on July 22nd at 2:15!
Registration open until July 19th at
(case sensitive)
>>>If you found Creating Your Unique Life Story helpful to your success OR NOT, please leave a comment in the space provided so we can know how to serve you better.
>>>Also to receive a triple dose of Motivation, Inspiration, Guidance & SupportJOIN The Push Pass Life Movement at
Wishing You the Best in Success,
Virginia xoxoxoxoxo
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