Do You Suffer From Mother’s Day Blues?
In a perfect world you would expect and even wish your Mother to be perfect all the time. The reality is…. Mothers are human too. Sometimes, under certain circumstances, a mother can be superwoman BUT she is not super human.
What causes the Mother’s Day Blues? Holding onto expired and undue grudges can turn a joyful Mother’s Day into a hopeless and lonely experience.
#1 Death
Grief over the loss of a mother can cause you to isolate yourself on the second Sunday of May. In order to enjoy the day, start filling your thoughts and feelings with all of the good memories you have about your special and precious motherly moments.
#2 Neglect
Let go of the woulda, coulda and shoulda that wasn’t present in the relationship. Not to excuse abusive and dangerous supervision that some mothers have and do provide, but you have the opportunity to live a better life. Seek the help that you need to process the neglect so that your life and joy can push forward.
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#3 Disconnects
In some situations, the Mother was around but there was no bond. Lack of communication and quality time can ruin anticipations to spend time with Mothers. A more positive approach is to surround yourself with people who offer the type of motherly affection you desire. The most important thing is to connect with positivity and support.
What issues do you have?
Not sure of what support you need?
Is your life out of whack?
Sounds like it’s time for some TLC from GMC….
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