Gratitude is Great For Your Soul
If you often experience feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness there is one word of action that can alleviate those down in the dump moments. GRATITUDE! Gratitude should not only be experienced at your low points. A continuous flow of heartfelt thank you to and from yourself will supply you with more than enough positive feelings you need to live a happy life.
Elevate your gratitude by asking yourself these key questions.
#1 What have I given to those who are in need?
Giving increase self esteem and satisfaction with your life. You may not believe it, but giving also decreases your risk of depression.
#2 What have I received from those who have inspired me?
We all have heard the phrase “It is better to give than to receive”. Gratitude is a reciprocal term because you have to have received something from others that is meaningful to your life in order to show appreciation.
#3 What lessons have I learned from the trouble or issues I have caused?
Unless there is a beneficial take away from your experiences in life, the turmoil you had was a waste. Once you take a moment and truly reflect on anything you consider less than great there will be a golden nugget hidden within.
Include the practice of gratitude as part of your self care routine. Gratitude results in positive and satisfying thoughts that you and your life matters. Gratitude gives you an abundance of inner happiness that shoes through your actions, reactions, and overall well being.
Contact GinMan Consulting for additional one on one tips for finding your individual source of gratitude.
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Wishing You the best in Success,
Virginia xoxoxoxoxo
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