How to Create the Perfect Uplifting
The message I’m sending today is all about getting uplifted to position yourself for all of the blessings that are already waiting for you….not just the few you have already tapped into but ALL of your blessings.
SCRIPTURE for reference– Psalm 23:5 says My cup overflows with blessings. You have be prepared to receive an uplifting of blessings.
Are you ready for an uplifting? Look in the mirror and wave your hands or say “whoop whoop” if you are ready for an uplifting. You have to command it to come to you!
I understand that most of you are saying, “ Virginia, I would be ready for an uplifting but I’m not sure of what you mean by uplifting or if that’s even a word…. I’ve heard of uplift and uplifted but not uplifting” Guess what! That’s okay because I have a couple of definitions to help clarify what I mean by uplifting.
1st definition…. According to Webster’s dictionary to uplift means to make happy and hopeful, raise to a higher position.
Did that definition help you understand what this message of uplifting is about?
So here is definition #2- According to GinMan at The Crossing’s Women Luncheon UPLIFTING is a spiritual, mental and inner connection of sisters making sure we never let each other fail but we bond together to PUSH PASS LIFE!
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