Shine Through Obedience
You know you want to do what is right but it is hard to stay on course. Obedience means you have an inner nudge to do what you are supposed to do and you answer the request. Being submissive to your purpose is a struggle to most, partly because it is easier to do what’s wrong than it is to do what’s right. There are benefits to obedience!
The Rewards to Staying on Track:
#1 – Long Term Success
Obedience blesses you with longevity of success. More money, jobs, and better health come to those who are committed to following righteousness.
#2 – Power in Every Step You Take
With obedience comes authority because others will witness your boldness and walk behind you. The more powerful you are, the more control you have.
#3 – Joyful Life
A lot of the benefits of obedience are external. Internally, knowing you are doing what is right eliminates adversity within. You feel more confident, peaceful, and selfless when you are obedient to your purpose, relationships and most importantly to yourself.
You think obedience doesn’t work? Give it a try and you will experience more favor than you have in a while. Are you not sure about what’s right for you? Give GinMan a try!
Struggling with obedience? These goal setting tips will assist you with knowing what you need on your journey.
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