Triggered by Grief
The conflicting feelings or emotions created by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior or way of one’s life. This feeling can come from numerous events. The loss of a loved one can be the initial trigger for someone to be overcome with grief.
3 Key Elements For Coping With Death
#1 Confront your emotions. Grief does not show the same face to everyone it meets. You must identify your grief and wear it. It can be very unhealthy to hold in ill-emotion because eventually it has to come out and if its pinned up energy it can be explosive. Don’t let it build up and overwhelm you, express your hurt in a way that works for you but preferably sooner than later.
#2 Grief isn’t something to get over. Ultimately, mourning the loss of a loved one doesn’t give closure. The feeling of turmoil will always exist, at some magnitude, deep inside. Eventually coping with this hurt becomes a daily routine and the feeling may begin to seem small, but memories, significant events and even smells can cause old grief to resurface. That’s when we refer back to #1 and confront those emotions!!
#3 Let go and Push Pass Life. How can you just get over it? This can be a question that plays in your head over and over. True enough grief can be the hardest emotion to battle, especially when the permanent loss of a loved one is involved. Push Pass Life by mourning, accepting and coping. Is there someone you blame? You cannot have acceptance through anger or guilt for only forgiveness will set you free and the feeling of positive vibes will override the negative feeling caused by grief.
There’s always more that can be done when coping with such a devastating situation.
Most importantly you should always be able to speak about it.
Visit to schedule a free consultation.
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