What Would You Change to Live Your Dream Life?
Well, you do have to change some things if you want some things to change.
Those old habits that are keeping you back… have to go! It’s time to reach for higher skies.
It can be things you are doing that are not working or things you are saying to yourself that are not working.
Maybe The People you are around are not working or Things you are seeing are not working.
It’s February 2020 and it’s way over the 21 times or days to change a habit rule.
It’s over 6 weeks into the new year and I hope you have finally made some changes to bad habits
3 ways to change those ugly habits that are holding you back from more vacations, more promotions, more bonuses, more raises, more family time and more me time:
1st of all- the key denominator is you! You have to make a change.
#1 Recognize the habit as good or bad.
All habits are not bad, some are good.
When dealing with bad habits, you have to recognize what outcome you want. Since habits are etched in our mind, it’s hard to recognize that it’s not working. But when you focus on your goal, you realize the habit is not getting you to your goal. Then, You are more likely to recognize the need to change and change it.
When dealing with good habits, the change is to amp it up! Use it as a strength and to your advantage.
Too often we put all of our energy and focus on the negative.
#2 Replace the bad habits.
Once you identify a habit as good or bad, then you know what to do with it. You can’t just say hey I’m never going to do that again because it has been a part of your normal thinking pattern. So what do you do? Replace the bad habit with a new good habit or an already identified good habit.
#3 Relive the good habits.
You have to see yourself in action. Visualize and imagine yourself actually living in and doing the new desired habit. Having an accountability partner helps with putting the new habit in practice because your partner will hold you to your word. But not only should you see yourself In the new habit, you should see yourself successfully accomplishing the new habit.
Professional Women Lives Matter!
I’ll ask the question again…..
what would you do to live your dream life?
I have a simple solution to help you! Let me introduce you to Prosper Under Pressure Professional Women membership. This is a community of like-minded women who know they deserve more. And today is a prelaunch enrollment special for only $19/mth.
The $19 prelaunch offer ends February 19th and the price increases.
Enroll Today at bit.ly/PUPmembership
The Prosper Under Pressure Professional Women Membership supports professional women because since we are such strong and intimidating women, what we want is always put on the back burner. What we want is always last.
So the PUP prelaunch $19 enrollment shows we are sincere about your wants and your needs and we put you first.
Professional Women Lives Matter!
Hurry enroll NOW at bit.ly/PUPmembership
I’m wishing you peace and prosperity!
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