Your Attention is the Lifeline of Suicide Prevention
If you never had to experience the harsh reality of someone taking their own life, this week is the perfect opportunity to educate yourself. Even if you have not had a suicide experience, knowledge is essential. Suicide is very prominent in today’s society. Know the signs and some tips to get assistance is KEY to fighting such a tragic loss of life.
Since the tragic suicide of my own mother in 1994, I have come to the realization that knowing the warning sign is not enough. You have to know how to actively and successfully rescue a person who is so depressed and feeling hopeless that death is the only possible answer.
In observance of suicide prevention week (last week), here are some simple tips to help you or anyone you may suspect as suicidal get the guidance and strength to overcome the thoughts and temptations of suicide.
#1 Talk is NOT cheap when it comes to talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself. When this experience happens, cling to the person to make them feel loved and important to you, family and life. If it’s said don’t ignore, thinking it will go away. It is REAL THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS!
Call the suicide lifeline at 1 800 273 TALK (8255)
#2 There is no predictable pattern when someone wants to end their life. Warning signs are clues to act, but no warning signs is the same for everyone or on certain days. Suicidal actions can be quick or progressive over time. You never know. Action is KEY.
#3 Don’t panic and make the person feel awkward or strange for having feelings about death. The person probably already feels hopeless and worthless for wanting death. REMAIN CALM AND SEEK PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE.
Don’t ignore the need for therapy or counseling to work through whatever issue you may think is bigger than you. Your life is more important than any issue.
Visit to schedule an appointment NOW.
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