Your Self-Worth is Not Tied to Your Achievements

You compare your success and progress with others who you think are on the same level as you or a bit above you and it distressed you?
Is this you?
You are not your achievements. I bet you have never heard this before, so it might feel unusual.
No, don’t get it wrong; your achievements are great. In fact, they are awesome. You’ve been able to publish your first book, you’ve got that scholarship, and you just gave birth to your first child. All of these are huge achievements, but they are not you.
Do you know why?
We often tell ourselves and others “you are not your failures”. Why then should your achievements be the only source of your self-confidence? We are used to tying our self-worth to our achievements, and this is why we are always affected by a failure.
If you are not your failures and you are not your achievements,
Then who are you?
#1 You are an incredible person who chose Self-care, got values, grit, brilliance, and skills.
#2 When you know this, speak positive affirmations to yourself. Say I am the best; I will succeed, look into the mirror and say them with confidence.
#3 While it is okay to feel good about your achievements, basing your entire self-worth on your success is like building your house on a foundation that will soon crash.
So, sail from the safe harbor! Discover yourself. When you know who you are, and you believe in the magic of yourself, you will be able to experience peace and also maintain self-control through life’s inevitable good and bad times.
Look for Smooth Sailing!
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